!Friday, October 11, 2013
It has been almost a year, a really busy year actually, with the first year of IB and stuff.
Echinn here, just so you know, because I'm the only one blogging now.
I'm sure all of us are probably stressing over IB, stressing over applications, stressing over the amount of work we all have..
But you know, from time to time I'd like to think that we all look back and reflect on things for a while. Maybe it's just me and my personality, but I'd also like to think that our pasts matter as much as our future, or even the present.
Although I agree what happened in the past should stay in the past, that doesn't mean you can't think back, learn from it, live it and remind yourself what it has taught you, right?
I am still in touch with some of you in SSIS, which I am undeniably grateful for, because I know it's an effort to maintain a close relationship when I'm halfway across the world.
Since nobody reads this anymore, it wouldn't hurt to make it a little more personal (because I don't blog regularly enough to have my own blog anymore).
These past few weeks ever since school started have just been mind-blowingly stressful, and a lot's been going on, not just with grades, applications, but with entrance exams, being a prefect, with one of my friend's health and whatnot.
To those who I've been talking to: thank you so much for your support, I definitely couldn't have pulled through without your help, your care and support.
It's not going to get any easier, I know that, and I also know this isn't over.
You'd think that the hard part is over, but it really never is.
There are always going to be ups and downs in life, and even when you're as stressed as a mummaflipper, noone's going to be more lenient on you.
But what you gain from this, is knowing who truly loves you. And if they do, they stick by you through whatever.
Just remember, that however stressed you are, however hopeless you feel, there'll always been someone there for you, who'll show you they love you, be it your parents, your friends or your spouses.
And, don't ever give up on what you want.
10:36 AM